
Team Golpariani's Campaign

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Thank You!

THANK YOU for considering supporting our amazing Kollel! It is people like YOU, who will B’Ezras Hashem help the Kollel in its mission to help build powerful, impactful, and well-rounded leaders for Klal Yisrael.


18 donors

$ 3K Anonymous donated $2,520
27 days ago through Team Golpariani
$ 2K Joey Abraham donated $2,000
27 days ago through Team Golpariani
$ 2K Abba and Imma Golpariani donated $2,000
Dear Netanel and Rivka- God bless you Both for your love and devotion to the Torah and Mitzvot! You are an inspiration to us! May you go from strength to strength and continue to grow in your Avodat H’- together until Moshiach!! Love ABBA and Imma
23 days ago through Team Golpariani
$ 1K David Shaool donated $1,000
Go Netanel!
23 days ago through Team Golpariani
$ 720 Moshe Sarraf donated $720
הצלחה רבה בכל העינינים
27 days ago through Team Golpariani
$ 360 Babak Danesh donated $360
10 days ago through Team Golpariani
$ 252 Alon ashoory donated $252
27 days ago through Team Golpariani
$ 252 Alfred and Nancy Bokhour donated $252
Keep up the good work.
27 days ago through Team Golpariani
$ 200 Abba and mommy mizrachi donated $200
To netanel , we are so proud of you , best son inlaw , you give us so much nachas , may you continue to shteig always in health , happiness, and you should always have tons of beracha shefa and tons of nachas , much hatzlacha, thankyou to an amazing kollel !
27 days ago through Team Golpariani




of $18K fundraiser goal


of $500K campaign goal