
Team Houseman's Campaign

Zionist Stoliner Chossid

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Thank You!

THANK YOU for considering supporting our amazing Kollel! It is people like YOU, who will B’Ezras Hashem help the Kollel in its mission to help build powerful, impactful, and well-rounded leaders for Klal Yisrael.


14 donors

$ 500 yitzchak mayerfeld donated $500
Thank you Reb Yossi for teaching us that the dalet amos shel halacha and the velt of hashkafa and mussar are very much intertwined. Thank you for teaching us how sweet avodas Hashem could be. Thank you for teaching us by example that a true Yiddishe leader is defined by his middos of menuchas hanefesh and sensitivity in bein adam lachaveiro. You have taught us that it is all Torah achas. Thank you for teaching us the importance of mesora. Thank you for teaching us that there's keeping Shabbos and then there's something called keeping Shabbos. Thank you for teaching us that chinuch is not so scary if one's mind is trained and shaped by the Tur and Shulchan Aruch. Thank you for the profound impact this kollel has made on our families. May we be zocheh that you continue to guide us in upgrading our avodas Hashem. The Eibeshter should bentch you.
9 days ago through Team Houseman
$ 360 Chaiby Leiman!! donated $360
To making this world a better and better and better place in every way!!!!!!!!!! LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!
19 days ago through Team Houseman
$ 202 Chaim Sparer donated $202
For a thank you to my Mom, Sara Yita bas Chana.
23 days ago through Team Houseman
$ 200 Kolber Family donated $200
With love!!
26 days ago through Team Houseman
$ 200 Judith Josephs donated $200
21 days ago through Team Houseman
$ 150 Brocha Kenzer donated $150
26 days ago through Team Houseman
$ 100 Karen Housman donated $100
To the fiddler on the Aish Ha Torah roof, I wish I had more to give. I'm so proud of you.
1 month ago through Team Houseman
$ 100 Baruch Wilks donated $100
27 days ago through Team Houseman
$ 100 Tamara donated $100
23 days ago through Team Houseman




of $2.50K fundraiser goal


of $500K campaign goal